Saturday, 24 February 2007

Appearance and name of my main character

18th Sep 2006 (Mon)

- one scene from

Joon H Kwon, 2004, paper stop-motion animation

* About the question “Why do they (my main characters in previous animation) look like Western people?” from my colleague

- They are neither Oriental/Asian people nor Western people. The classification doesn’t matter for me. Frankly speaking, they do not look like western people and they do not look like oriental people. They’ve got the features of both and they haven’t got any features of them. They are original people from my brain. Their existence is very natural thing to me. I made them for my own purpose to express my own idea about school. Their appearance is not caused by their nationality but my own image from my imagination.
They are not my/our generation and I think my generation is not that much strong. They represent another generation in the future. They could be next generation who can have power to fight against school or system.
I’ve just stressed their eyes and mouth to describe their strong will to fight. This expression of their figure may make people have that impression which looks western people. I do not care what they look like. The most important thing is the fact that what the most effective way to express my idea is.

My Wish List No. 1~3

2004 paper stop-motion animation (2 min 15 sec)

Still images from 'My wish List No. 1'

* Main Character

"Hyun(見)" - It means 'see'
"Hyun(現)" - This means 'express', 'appear' and 'reveal'

* Same pronunciation with different Chinese Letters and various meanings.

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